Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009

Barbara Ahern, Integral Healing
Integral Healing & Education is a four year, deeply diverse format to expand yourself. Along with Dr Brennan Commerford, the school will provide classes with a range of subjects and presenters in which several systems, modalities and life paths will be combined in a structured educational experience. The goal is to create the space for you to explore energy in your life. If that energy is to assist your own personal healing, help you grow professionally, to begin or expand your healing practice, we are a valuable resource for you. The experience could be described as equal parts lecture, sacred learning, hands on and fun.
The first six intensives over one year include Integral Healing Basic Certification and Healing Touch Level 1 Certification. There will be six classes every year starting with the first class in January 2016. This year’s class will meet on the second Saturday of every other month.
Energy Healing is an effective process for the whole of our human condition; our physical, emotional, professional & balanced spiritual growth.
Living as an open intuitive most of her life, her teachers & guides have been many. The notables include Brian Weiss, Helen Yamada, Helen Haberely, native tribal leaders, medicine people and, closest to her heart, John of God in Brazil and Jim Crabtree. Barbara has been in practice for twenty years and is available for private sessions.
Barbara Ahern
Minster, Master Teacher, Reiki Master, Intuitive Analyst, Energy Healer,Hypnosis