Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009

Center For Spiritual Living
Center for Spiritual Living Kansas City welcomes everyone to our table regardless of age, race, gender, religion, no religion, income, education, who you love, or how you vote. Our theme in 2018 is “Creating a Bigger Table”. We're making room for those who are searching for a different experience of spiritual community, and what it means to have a practical spirituality that works in our everyday life. We'd love to see you.
Our focus is serving a community where people come to learn how to lead a fulfilling life through spiritual growth that is practical and usable every day.
Our music is contemporary and uplifting, our message is positive (we don't do guilt and shame) and our community is warm and welcoming. Come be part of a diverse spiritual community expressing God as Love.
Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) is a world-wide organization of approximately 500 spiritual communities. We believe there is no religion or group that has exclusive rights to the truth, and that there are common threads of truth running through all the world's religions. We recognize and honor all paths to God.
9:00am Meditation.
10:00am Celebration Service
Youth/Teen classes and nursery care provided during 10am service
We also offer personal and spiritual growth programs, workshops, and courses throughout the year.
Meeting and event space is available for you and/or your organization.
Mention you found us through Evolving Magazine and receive a complimentary gift during your visit.
1014 W 39th Street, KCMO, 64111
(Near Q 39 Restaurant)