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WISDOM WITHIN - January 2018 - Kansas City

Create a Grand Year in 2018

By Suzette Scholtes


Only 3 out of 10 of you reading this column will manifest your desires and goals this year, according to Mark Victor Hansen in his book The Aladdin Factor.


How do you become the winner you wish to be? A team of researchers interviewed “successful” people and found this out: They write out their goals in detail. The Yoga School has built its success on a business plan. The task of writing down your goals and dreams adds momentum to success. What do you write down? How to begin? For my personal plan, I etch a pyramid to form priorities. My top goal each year is my spiritual practice. Then I add categories for work, relations, health, special projects and friends/family.


  1. Ask the “why.” Why are doing this or wanting this? Is there an element of “true work” in your goal? True work involves service and generosity. Give to your clients, co-workers, employees, competitors. Praise everyone. Be generous!

  2. Be passionate! When you embrace a desire with enough passion, it becomes part of you. Passions lift our feelings of self-worth and high esteem.

  3. Decide you cannot and will not fail. Figure out how weaknesses may transform to strengths. Work to understand why you resist success. The famous quote from author Marianne Williamson: “We do not fear our failures. We fear our success.”

  4. Recruit help from unseen resources via mediation and prayer. Ask, ask, ask for help, no matter what issue, large or small. As well, be strong enough to lean on support of friends and family and colleagues. Be strong enough to lean on love.

  5. Protect your “intent” with this boundary: “I am manifesting this for the greater good with harm to none.”

  6. Patience. Be gentle with yourself on the time line. Sometimes big dreams take more time. Sometimes little dreams take more time.  Patience is fundamental. Remember the true meaning of patience is seeing each day as a “new” day.


Stay conscious of the ego’s ploy, “Poor me, I have so much work to do,” and stay conscious of the “saboteur” who may feel overwhelmed. Manage your time in an organized and productive fashion. You do not have to accomplish your entire do list in one day.


The heart of our success holds our inner resources of hope, trust, and courage. Try success for a week or two, and if you do not care for it, you can always go back to your old ways. Don't give up. Persevere. The goal may be just beyond the tip of your fingers.

Last, love yourself. Love is a choice. Fear is a choice.  Now you are one of the top 3 winners who meet their goals. 2017 for me was fabulous….a very good year indeed. Let’s work together and supersede in 2018 with a final tip for success: Gratitude. From what I know, the undercurrent for this year is to feel appreciation for the many blessings all around.

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Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the regions prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street,

Overland Park. 




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