Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009

Harmony Energetics, LLC
Sound Remedies for Body, Mind & Spirit
Harmony Energetics LLC was founded to provide vibrational healing assistance using sound, geometry, color and scent during this time of planetary ascension. The current shift in consciousness and vibration elevation, which is well under way at this point and accelerating rapidly, is causing a great deal of stress for all the beings of Earth, human, animal and devic.
Given that our ‘mission’ fits well with the Hathors, who have been assisting humanity for aeons, we are increasingly working with these inter-dimensional ascended beings. The Hathors ‘alert’ us to stressful events and provide us with assistance via channeling through Tom Kenyon, an internationally recognized sound healer and neuro-psychologist.
We also work with the African Orisha, as well as other Earth-based traditions. The West African traditions provide us with an unbroken link in spiritual technologies for working with the energies of our Mother Earth. Through elemental materials used for ‘ebo’ or offerings, we can alter frequencies in our lives for increased success and health.
Harmony Energetics offers sound healing sessions by appointment. The first session is “love offering” based to allow you to have an experience from which to evaluate what we have to offer for your journey.
We also offer healing symbol mandalas created specifically for you. But we would rather teach you the process for creating the symbols for yourself. Healing symbol mandalas are love offering based. Check our
website for workshop schedules.
Bartering for other healing sessions is also an option for any Harmony Energetics service. We love you. The elevation of your energy elevates our entire Planet. Harmony within you is harmony within us all.
Linda VanBibber
605 E. Red Road
Independence MO 64055
Website: harmonyenergeticsllc.com