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Journey to Wholeness

All My Relations


By Jude LaClaire, Ph.D.


The Lakota phrase mitakuye oyasin or all my relations, represents the concept that all things are related, whole, and connected. It is used as a concluding phrase for prayers and chants. “Knowledge can come from “All My Relations” -- that is from meaningful connections with all domains of nature. Knowledge may come to a person from “All My Relations” in a state of awakeness, in a vision or in a dream” (The Native American Academy-Native Science)

Since I am a holistic psychotherapist I am often asked what that means and what I do. As a holistic practitioner, I believe that the body-mind is an indivisible whole and that we are inextricably connected with our environment. I also believe that we have the innate potential for all possibilities and that the living organism wants to live and be whole.

Let’s suppose a person presents with symptoms of depression. This could be a chronic or acute condition. I need to have the person’s story, so I construct a three-generational family history chart with the client. As this is done, the past and current context of the person’s life unfolds. As the relationships are described, we chart their traumatic and pleasant experiences, accomplishments, and disappointments. A picture begins to take shape of this person with his or her many relational and other life experiences. Research done by intergenerational family systems and neuroscience professionals agrees that we are influenced by five to seven generations.

I may ask questions about lifestyle such as nutrition, sleep patterns, exercise, social connection, and daily life schedule. This information is about the dynamic process of their life. Querying further, I want to know what kinds of thought patterns the person is aware of, negative or positive self-talk. Do they remember their dreams or daydreams? As the information is given, I am trying to make connections, along with the client, with all the aspects of their lives.

For further self-knowledge, I may ask them to take the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory so that they can better understand their process of learning, making decisions, and interacting with the outer and inner world.

We may look at the time of year, the weather, anniversaries, and any trauma triggers that may be current or recurring from the past.

As information is shared, the person's emotional process becomes more apparent. We are bonding and I am usually sharing encouraging thoughts, stories, or comments. I call my system “Life Weaving”, as I work with the client to weave the thoughts, words, and actions, past and present, inner and outer realities of the person into a comprehensive, integrated whole.

In this integrative healing process, the person learns to use his or her many resources in the inner and outer reality, including relationships, the whole continuum of consciousness from dream state to waking state awareness, the environment (including nature and animals), and the past and present. The holistic approach often inspires hope, new possibilities, and a more integrated and inclusive way of looking at life. Focusing on innate potential and limitless resources, the person can now move ahead with new confidence. With continued skill development, practice, and encouragement, big problems become solvable and life more livable. One goal of the first session is for the person to leave with hope. I check in for feedback, asking them what they think of this process. Most often, the answer is in the affirmative.
John Muir, founder of the Sierra Clube tells us, “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” Life, holistically lived, is healthy for us in every way.

Perhaps it would be good to find a phrase like “All My Relations” that we say each day to remind ourselves of the connection of our body-mind, the self, and the environment, in the context of the ‘now’ that includes past, present, and future. Mitakuye oyasin!


Jude LaClaire, Ph. D., LCPC is a counselor and educator at the Heartland Holistic Health Center. She is the author of the “Life Weaving Education Curriculum” that teaches creative, effective, holistic problem solving. For counseling appointments, seminars, in-service training or speaker’s bureau, call 816-509-9277 or;

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