Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009
How to Rejuvenate and Live Three Hundred Years and Beyond
By Dr. Muzhi Shi / AYNI BOOKS
“How to rejuvenate and live three hundred years and beyond?”
People have dreamed about and sought youth and longevity for centuries. In 1990, the Human Genome Project was launched. After 3.8 billion years of evolution, DNA-based lifeforms finally had the opportunity to read through the book of life that makes them what they are. Scientists believed what they would learn would bring them the ultimate gift of life: health, youth, and longevity. People in the 20th century thus proudly and excitingly declared that the 21st century would be the century of biology.
Thirty years later, due to the vast advancement in DNA sequencing technologies, whole-genome sequencing is no longer a project that requires multi-nation collaboration. Various commercial products are readily available to sequence every base in a person’s genomic DNA. Although the sequencing of the first human genome cost over $3 billion in the 90s, today it costs even less than $300. That is an astonishing ten-million-fold decrease in cost, powered by technological advancement. Scientists also use these technologies to spy on the genomes of hundreds of species. The knowledge we have learned from different organisms facilitates healthier, younger, and longer lives of the human population. More and more people can live past 100 years and we seemingly have conquered the apex of the great mountain of longevity.
However, the growth of human life expectancy gets smaller and slower. The benefits we can get from more sufficient nutrients and healthier lifestyles have obviously decreased, indicating that we are approaching the natural boundary of our bodies. Unfortunately, unlike many other animals, humans are endowed with enough intelligence to realize and understand the biological cap of our own lives that is pre-determined by Mother Nature. Therefore, people knowingly experience the progressing of aging and the coming of death, slowly and hopelessly. Although new longevity theories are always developed and related products are frequently commercialized, extending life expectancy by another thirty years is much more challenging than before -- a 150-year lifespan is still an insurmountable task to human beings.
However, a 300-year life expectancy is a natural blessing gifted to many species. As the most intelligent species on Earth, can we, humans, have a life that is as long as some of our long-living animal brothers and sisters? Will 21st-century medicine and biotechnology finally bring change? This is a critical problem for all people who would like to increase their remaining years. Moreover, once successful, how do we live such an extraordinary life?
No one has systematically blueprinted a life that can last 300 years or even longer. Indeed, such a long life should only exist in myths and fairytales. However, we already have been living in “legends” that exceed the imagination of our ancestors. We can fly to Mars, we can reshape mountains, we can voyage in virtual worlds, we even can talk instantly with people on the other end of the world. Thus, it is time to revisit the ultimate human goal -- to healthily and youthfully live as long as possible -- since we could be the lucky generation that will witness the miracle of living beyond the natural human lifespan.
“How to rejuvenate and live three hundred years and beyond” is the first book trying to seriously answer these interesting and important questions. It takes a systematic approach to deal with these unprecedented puzzles, guiding readers to know more about themselves and prepare for the future. The author blueprints a novel strategy, the roadmap, aiming to extend human life beyond its natural limit. Moreover, the author evaluates current technologies to select essential tools for such a grand goal, and offers a unique insider’s view of the benefits and limitations of trendy dietary supplements, longevity pills, and other biotechnologies. Based on scientific results, the author even calculated the number of specific treatments needed to reach a 300-year lifespan.
Living is more than survival. Thus, “How to rejuvenate and live three hundred years and beyond” also innovatively illustrates different aspects of a multi-century-long life, like ways to make a living for such a prolonged period and lesser choices that may alter the future several hundred years later. Moreover, this book also includes unique and interesting topics such as managing social relations as a multicentenarian and possible ways to earn fame and fortune with a hyper long life. This book is unique in reviewing family, society, nature, and Earth on such a time scale with various unprecedented ideas. The author vividly exemplifies the magnificent changes that a much longer lifespan can bring -- to our lives, to human society, and to this world.
“How to rejuvenate and live three hundred years and beyond” is neither a dull textbook nor an academic review. This book is more like a conversation: in plain language, the book illustrates the great potential of state-of-the-art technologies from an insider’s perspective, and uses the knowledge to answer some of the critical questions that every reader is curious about. This book is also a voyage, through which we seek the path to rejuvenation together.
This book starts the journey by dissecting what we mean to achieve in a much healthier, younger, and longer life. After identifying the problem, the book attempts to establish a theoretical and technical foundation for it. Then, the author searches for potential solutions to achieve longevity and lists detailed assignments. The author also discusses limitations in this plan and things that can compensate for inadequacy. Other aspects of a 300-year life, like finance and family, are also reviewed in this book. Besides, this book covers additional topics about things people may face during a multi-century adventure.
“How to rejuvenate and live three hundred years and beyond” is divided into four parts.
I. Zhi (knowledge). This part attempts to answer some basic questions: What is life about? What do we need to achieve to live 300 or more years? What are the possible strategies? Which one is the proper path? What is required for such a route? This part then summarizes a roadmap for reaching our goal with various tasks that need to be accomplished.
II. Xing (actions). This part is the in-depth explanations and discussions of the tasks required for living beyond the natural boundary. It also reviews current technology developments and covers potential difficulties in accomplishing these tasks.
III. He (Unity). To live 300 years is more than keeping the body alive for such a long time. This part discusses other important things in a hyper-longevous life: family, society, the world, and more.
IV. Yi (Oneness). When we can live 300 years or more, we exceed the natural definition of human beings. There will be new problems and challenges. This part covers these topics.
How to rejuvenate and live three hundred years and beyond is a unique collection of in-depth thoughts and discussions on how to break the boundary of the natural human lifespan, and more importantly, on how to live through it.
How to Rejuvenate and Live Three Hundred Years and Beyond by Dr.Muzhi Shi is available from AYNI BOOKS and from wherever books are sold.