Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009
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WISDOM WITHIN - July 2017 - Kansas City
Reward Yourself with the Magic of an Altar
By Suzette Scholtes
“Done. Done. Done,” I say to myself as I clean off the numerous intents placed upon my altar. I hold intents for anyone who may ask for help. I ask them write it crystal-clear in as active of a voice as possible. The longest one to remain on the altar took over two years as it was a complex court case. In the end, my friend won.
The ancient yogis formed the original law-of-attraction “intent” called a san kalpa. It holds great power. It’s personal to each of us yet important for co-creating with the divine wisdom all around or one’s soul and unseen friends.
How we put together a sacred space for our altar is very personal. Some use various icons or religious relics. A great KC yogi sits at his altar every morning. He has symbolic art which reflects his complex nature. His dedication to his practice inspires many of us. If we allow ourselves to take the time to sit by the altar, keep it clean, add new intents, and delete old intents—the results are magic.
Some find it hard to write an “intent.” Best to write out with these parameters:
It must be beneficial to you or others
It must be uplifting and filled with hope
It must be expansive for your greater good
It must be “believable”
Keep it brief
Keep it in present tense
It benefits to have a “feeling” nature that touches you in some way
It is good to keep in the active voice
It is always a good idea to add this line: “Universe manifest this or better with harm to none.” Sometimes our own expectations may be weak or lacking and this way nothing negative comes our way. Plus, we are free of any negative karma that may intercede with the greater good. Make sense?
A student was perplexed as to how to word her intent. She suffered from severe arthritis. Our group helped her write one for her: “Thank you, universe, for healing my arthritis.”
I keep a file of my intents. Yesterday, I found an old one from 2001 about a grumpy neighbor. It made me laugh. Indeed, the old gal did move away and gave me some peace after a decade of complaining about everything one could imagine.
Ask and we will receive. Ask and the door will open. Count on it! Have fun creating a personal altar and feel so grand when it manifests!
Evolving Magazine
Kansas City
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Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the regions prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street,
Overland Park.
www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com