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April 2017

By Aluna Michaels


Aries (March 21 – April 19) 

Happy birthday Aries! Give yourself the gift of patience, although that’s not the top of your Aries list! With so many planets turning retrograde, including Mercury, slowing down replenishes and re-focuses you in a powerful way. Rid yourself of stress hormones through meditation and your health and moods improve. Examine life with relaxed observation so you can prioritize plans, eliminate what doesn’t serve you, and take precise action on what gets you where you want to go!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Don’t dread Mercury retrograde in your sign! As a compulsive nurturer, its a beautiful time to focus on your own needs. What dreams do you have from your last birthday that remain unfulfilled? Commit to a plan of action to move toward those goals. Include daily meditation or reflective time. Your intuition is an invaluable guide and you need to tap into that still small voice each day! Life runs smoothly, trust and prosperity open and and you’ll feel included rather than drained by others!


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

If you’re frustrated about romantic relationships, take time to nurture other friendships as Venus turns direct. Also meditate each day as Mercury goes retrograde (at least one planet is always retrograde!) Reflect on what you need in a partnership and if you feel worthy to receive those needs. How open is your heart to give if you feel hurt from the past? Releasing pain creates more stable and satisfying partnerships in current connections, or draws in someone new. Also watch over-spending as you deal with “issues”.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Like Gemini pals, this is a big month for relationship healing. Without gossiping or complaining, seek opinions of spiritual friends to gain new perspectives on your current partnership, or how you can improve to have healthier situations in the future. You could be judging yourself or partner too harshly. It sounds weird, but making better food choices really helps all of this! Even start a yoga or deep breathing practice. Also, finances or new job options flow in without issue once your heart heals!


Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Don’t jump on job changes while Mercury retrogrades this month. Instead spend time evaluating important career goals, and even spiritual goals. Meditate daily to tap into dormant talents and passions that can motivate you and inspire others. See if this shifts your work life. If not, May is better to select new options. Also, healing issues in your love life, or even with children can make job stress less. It’s easier to displace anger toward the office rather than face deeper pain at home or in your heart. Again, inner reflection reveals the roots of whatever unsettles you and shows the path to peace of mind.


Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Mercury retrograde illuminates solutions about money or debt. Meditate since mental relaxation allows ideas to flow in and lets for “magical” things to happen! Prosperity is also linked with trust and intimacy, so reflect on healing old wounds to open to the love available in the present moment. If single, that opening makes room for new people who have high standards and ethics. If struggling with family, just let it lie and things resolve easily in early May.


Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Seeing both sides of a choice is insightful, but you create stress (mentally and physically) when you dwell on “what ifs”. Grab your personal power back by refusing to be wishy-washy. Once you make a decision, stick with it and cut yourself of from other options. The Universe will support your dreams whichever direction you commit to, but you must make that commitment! Relationships, money and self-esteem improve. Your intuition strengthens to make your next decisions even easier.


Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

More than any sign, Scorpio must continually forgive! You can bury resentments so deep you forget they’re there. This creates chronic unhappiness, prosperity blocks and relationship issues. Meditate perhaps with the Buddhist prayer of “May I be peaceful” . . . followed with “May all beings be peaceful” (google “Metta prayer”). Blessing others blesses you! You’ll still have healthy limits without being overprotective of your heart. In closest partnerships, remember the saying, “how important is it?” and allow imperfections in those bonds.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) 

You’re infectiously positive and can avoid negative emotions. However, repressing or ignoring tough stuff is problematic. As Saturn retrogrades in your sign, see life as a roller coaster. Take a Zen approach to the “downs”, and move toward them without resistance. Allow the experience to be fully processed and completed. If you “apply the brakes” as you go down, there isn’t momentum to go back up and you can get stuck. Meditating to embracing the “bad” without denial or bracing allows integration, wisdom, and a quicker flow back into joy and ease!


Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Old resentments and fears are made worse by your imagination. Repeatedly replaying conflicts creates a negative beliefs system. As Saturn and Mercury retrograde, meditate on how you’ve altered experiences by overlaying powerful emotions onto them. Release these “issues” by observing them as simple facts, as if watching a movie. Painful emotions float away and you can forgive the persons or circumstance more easily. You’ll have a rush of personal empowerment, confidence and spiritual safety. You’ll feel to your core that you’re a valuable part of the world around you, not separate from it!


Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) 

It’s no small task to observe inner dialog, but careful attention breaks negative thought habits that deplete energy, creativity and self-esteem. Meditation reveals subconscious thinking that have roots in childhood, or even a family lineage of trauma and shame. Remember that “nerves that no longer fire together no longer wire together”, so you can un-create your old personality and re-create and new one by meditating positive future vision surrounded by feelings of gratitude and joy. Feelings are the glue that hold the new you in place!


Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)  

Meditate to resurrect dreams and goals you’ve given up on. Mercury is retrograde, breathing life into “dead” hopes. Declare you’re no longer the old you who “failed”. Each day, visualize your new reality, along with feeling the joy as if it already happened. Your intuition gives action steps, and it’s up to you to carry them through. Small increments now add up to a flowing cascade of success in months ahead. Continue to internally see and feel your new life each day and take outer actions to make it real. This is quantum physics on a personal level and it works!

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Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype.


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