Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009

January 2019
By Aluna Michaels
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Happy birthday Capricorn! This month’s solar eclipse in your sign asks you to take stock of yourself. Meditate on what habits work for you and which work against you. Be as loving and nonjudgmental as possible! Just say, “Wow! This isn’t how I want to think/feel/act.” Affirm your capacity to make changes and then make them. Also visualize, dwell and act upon how you do want to be. Dream BIG! Your mind is fertile ground to grow a new crop of happiness and fulfillment!
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Don’t be afraid to quiet your mind and venture into your subconscious. It’s hard for you to let go of logic and allow vulnerability or irrational thoughts to arise. Meditate and just let it be weird or messy. Amazing treasures come out of the kooky crap! Also, use affirmations to stop negative thoughts in their tracks. You’ll overcome deep-rooted childhood issues. On a fun note, you can start a luscious relationship with someone you meet from a cool hobby or an awesome group of friends. If in a current partnership, you’ll rediscover each other in surprising ways.
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Pursue things you love! You deserve to have friendships that meet your needs and to do activities that fill you with joy. Meditate on how you thwart your own pleasure or (horrors!) how you blame others for not allowing you to have fun. Explore old beliefs about how speaking up for yourself or following your own path creates guilt. Where does that come from? You can re-wire that program! Career-wise you can get an awesome promotion, raise or a new job. Financial boons can come along too. You deserve these blessings!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Energetic, exciting Mars enters your sign! It’s a once every two year high point for initiating changes. You can shift jobs, start a new relationship or make strides in self-esteem. The solar eclipse this month breaks longstanding patterns that make you react in self-defeating ways. Meditate on conflicts that arise, and you’ll also be able to solve major puzzles as well as forge new paths to success! You’ll also have insights into any financial issues, so abundance flows in and stays in.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Mars, the planet of energy and excitement, helps you find inner power that’s been covered by anger and frustration. Meditate on challenging issues from the past two years (a Mars cycle) and be willing to acknowledge the pain. This is blocked energy that you’re now tapping into! Having courage to face what’s hidden enlivens and revitalizes you! You can also have financial breakthroughs. You’ll fix deep trust issues with important people in your life. You can even heal problems around sexuality. The solar eclipse brings re-commitment to your spiritual path. God isn’t a shaming parent but can be a trusted ally who guides you wisely.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
You can start a new relationship, or a current one heals and flourishes! To activate that “love juju,” meditate on issues of trust and bonding. Everyone has had hurts in this department. Let the solar eclipse realign your heart so you feel safe to connect. Surround yourself with friends that believe healthy partnerships are possible. Live from your own integrity, and others will find theirs and mirror it back to you. In anything you’d like to manifest, feel what your new reality will be like. Don’t merely wish it to be true!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
There might be relationship stress with the solar eclipse. Before reacting to your partner, family members or co-workers, take time to nurture your inner self. Even if that only means a few deep breaths while focusing on your heart, you’ll gain instant poise. Meditate on the truth that every problem has a solution. When you’re out of “fight or flight”, you’ll likely tune into the graceful answer. Work can be busy, but exciting, with an awesome project coming your way. You can manage everything because you’re always centered and guided from within!
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
The lunar eclipse in your sign reveals subconscious programs that block success in relationships or even career. Meditation, however, reveals hidden strengths you have to achieve positive results! It’s not glamorous, but try forms of yoga that are very still, like yin or restorative practices. The quiet reveals amazing richness and self-understanding, as well as providing super stress-reduction! You’ll feel enthusiastic from this inner guidance. Releasing effort brings awareness. Then you’ll have more energy to implement the perfect actions!
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Cultivate gratitude for your family, relationships, career, and your wonderful self! Resist the urge to pick on people and things in your mind that “aren’t quite good enough.” The solar eclipse can bring out the glass half empty side of you. But keep heaping up the good thoughts and see how much brighter your life seems! If single, you can meet someone who can be a long-term partner. If bonded, you can heal old “stuff” that blocks the fullness of love and fun. Mars brings opportunities for financial abundance. If you have any debt, you’ll be inspired to make strides to clear it up fast!
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
This month’s eclipses clear out old family issues that inhibit the flow of love in relationships. As you meditate to release your past, new doors open for fulfillment! You can also remove blocks to prosperity and have more opportunities and recognition at work. Employ affirmations throughout your day to help create a new reality. Also focus on the feeling of having the life you want; that makes you more magnetic! Be more social and resist homebody tendencies, so you don’t miss out on meeting some very awesome people!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
The power of words and thoughts are always transformative, but especially now! The solar eclipse asks you to be extra conscious of underlying messages you say to yourself. Meditate to eliminate old thoughts that no longer serve you and remain conscious throughout the day if they try to creep back in! January also brings exciting work opportunities and perhaps even a financial windfall! Dwell on prosperity and abundance and then watch it flow into your world.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
This is an awesome relationship month. You can meet a new love or have a deep level of blossoming in a current connection. You’ll be feeling happy and sexy! With the solar eclipse, meditate on finances and self-worth. You can be too happy-go-lucky with money and get yourself into problems. Invent a flexible disciplined budget so you can pay all your bills, create a savings and also have a “fun fund.” Rely on someone you trust to help with developing a livable plan you can stick with.
Evolving Magazine
Kansas City

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Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype.
Call (727) 239-7179 or visit