Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009
Making Use of Your Subconscious Mind to Ensure Ultimate Success
By Drake Eastburn
We communicate with our subconscious minds throughout the day. However, what is it that the subconscious is hearing? Are we asking the subconscious for what we really want? If you find yourself complaining that you are fat, miserable and broke, then your subconscious receives these messages as if this is your goal in life and continues to help make certain that you are fat, miserable, and broke. This type of thinking is part of our own natural negative bias. This is to say that it is part of how we tend to consider things in a negative way.
So, what to do? Begin stating things in a way that your subconscious will take the positive action that will benefit you. If you want to lose weight, and you are telling yourself that you hate your big butt, then you will continue to be dissatisfied with your derriere.
Focus on your goal. If you want to be 110 lbs again, then that should be your focus. However, If you tell yourself, “I am 110 lbs,” your subconscious may reject that suggestion if it lacks believability. The subconscious may experience your 220 lb mass and reject that statement. Even though our goal is to be 110 lbs, that suggestion is too big of a step for the subconscious to find believable. Try thinking in terms of, “Being lean and healthy feels good.” Or, “I can enjoy a lean, healthy, lifestyle.” It’s unlikely that these statements will get you directly to your goal, but they possess something that the “I am 110 lbs,” statement did not, and that is believability. This is what I refer to as leading the mind down the merry path. We take easy, baby steps to get the mind to agree with our statements and eventually “I am 110 lbs,” becomes the mantra.
Even more important are the images we produce in our minds. Can you imagine yourself at your goal? Was there a time when you weren’t fat, miserable, and broke? What you can imagine you can achieve. If you can create mental images of your desired result this will take you a long way toward achieving your goal. These mental images are what we refer to as transformational suggestions. As a hypnotist, I can tell you that you are 110 lbs over and over, but it will not have much effect on your mind. By giving the mind positive images of the desired result the subconscious now has a goal to move toward.
Do you have pictures from times when you were lean and healthy? Do you have pictures of positive times in your life or the day you got that new car? Put these pictures up where you will see them over and over. If you don’t have these kinds of pictures then cut some from a magazine and put them up. You can paste your images into these pictures, or just use the pictures to inspire you. Mentally revisit times in your past when you were lean, healthy, fit, happy, and financially stable. If these images are difficult to conjure, then just create these sorts of images as best that you can, and make them as realistic as possible.
This is an example of away motivation and toward motivation at work for you. The away motivation is the discomfort those extra pounds are causing, or the inability to perform certain tasks. The feelings of being miserable are robbing you of joy and quality of life. Being broke may be keeping you from moving ahead with projects, taking a vacation, or playing into that misery. This is the away motivation that causes us to want to move away from the dissonance of these issues.
The toward motivation are the images of your lean, healthy, fit, body, the joy of a wonderful vacation with family, and a balance in the black on your bank account statements. Toward motivation is the carrot on the stick for your subconscious to strive for. The toward motivation is the most important. We already have away motivators, which have made life less comfortable, but action has failed to occur. For the best results focus on your desired results and make them as realistic as possible.
Keep your self-talk positive. Avoid the use of words from a not derivative like, don’t, won’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t. If you say to yourself, “I don’t want to be fat.” The subconscious will only hear that you want to be fat. Try something like, “I enjoy having a lean healthy body.” Rather than, “I don’t want to be miserable,” try, “The feelings of joy inspire me.” Rather than, “I can’t get ahead financially,” try, “I enjoy living a secure lifestyle.”
Say it like you mean it. If you make these sorts of statements to yourself in a very monotone, lackadaisical manner, they will lack believability. The subconscious responds to emotion and drama, so put some enthusiasm into your thoughts and words. Speak of your goals in the past tense, as if it has already happened. This is a huge topic and if you would like to master your self-talk you can refer to my book, The Power of Suggestion for more on this topic.
Include all of the senses in your imagery. What does your success look like, smell like, or taste like? Make it real as if it has already happened. You haven’t just reached your weight goal; you have won the Miss America Pageant. You don’t just become more joyful, you have written a best-selling book on achieving a joyful life. You haven’t just paid off your credit cards, you are the newest billionaire success story, being interviewed on Good Morning America. Overstate your desires to the subconscious, it responds to hyperbole.
Drake Eastburn is a Board-Certified Hypnotherapist, co-founder of Eastburn Hypnotherapy Center and the Eastburn Institute of Hypnosis, as well the former Director of Education for the School of Integrated Hypnotherapy. He is a sought-after author and the official hypnotist to the U.S. Olympic Cycling Team due to his highly-regarded work in sports hypnotherapy. With more than 40 years of experience in hypnotism, he is on a mission to educate people on the reality and impact of hypnosis. Together with his wife Lynsi, Drake also teaches foundational classes in hypnosis through their institute in Colorado and globally. The training includes advanced methods such as Regression Therapy, Resolving Repetitive Body Focused Behaviors (trichotillomania, nail biting, skin picking, etc.), and state-of-the-art smoking cessation. His passion for sports led him to professionally work with athletes from almost every sport, including football, golf, and cheer over the past three decades. As one of the most prolific authors in contemporary hypnotism, Drake has written seven books on the subject, several of which are used in hypnotherapy training globally. Drake’s most recent book, The Hypnotist’s Bible—A Reference and A Journey, was released December 15, 2022.