Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009

WISDOM WITHIN - December 2015 - Kansas City
A Yummy Holiday Buffet
By Suzette Scholtes
The abundance of food at last year’s potluck party showcased vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, nuts, dips and chips, and meat casseroles. At the Yoga School, our appetites and preferences vary as much as our students. Everyone finds something to eat they enjoy.
I was the first in the buffet line, not being shy to indulge a healthy appetite. I returned for a second helping, as the food is always so good. I love this time of the year to visit and share a joke with guests while Christmas lights twinkle in the background.
A buffet, in an odd way, is a metaphor for life in the regard we all make so many choices every day. Remember as a kid you may have been upset if the green beans touched your mashed potatoes? My younger sis has lots of likes and dislikes about food. “I hate tomatoes!” she exclaims. I stay silent as I watch her douse her pasta with extra red sauce. What we eat is our business and we need not justify our preferences to anyone. The most toxic attitude on diet is to believe that your choice is superior to others. Indeed is it not ego to think, “My diet is better than yours?”
Make a List and Check it Twice
Yet, when Sis dropped 50 pounds a decade ago, she arrived for our holiday feast with special water to drink and avoided many foods on the holiday table. She skipped the dessert she brought. She has kept the weight off. Like her, plan for those nights of the “big” parties or holiday dinners. No is a two letter word we all understand even if we do disappoint the holiday baker.
Eat balanced meals through the day to keep blood sugar level. Those buffets and/or parties that offer waistline-dangerous foods offer good stuff too. The nutritionists say choose foods with lots of color, which always include vegetables and fruits. Avoid those vegetables morphed into calorie-filled diet busters with cheese, salt-laden canned soup, fried onions, and crème. Even those who are not fond of sweet potatoes can love their bright color, which promises healing antioxidants like beta-carotene. Same for dark greens, as you know.
Drink, drink, and drink but balance with good water or herbal tea. Maybe toast with a bit of wine and avoid like the plague those calorie laden sweet cordials so popular in the sexy ads.
A Wonderful Life
As the days grow shorter nearing the solstice this year on Dec. 22, make it a priority to honor your exercise routine, as well as other routines you cherish such as yoga and meditation. Then indulging in holiday foods with your exercise will help you feel better and cope with the stress of the holidays. Give up those tasks that weigh you down such as baking or sending out holiday cards. Do more of what you enjoy. For me, I love to sit near the wood-burning fire, watching old holiday films. Added bonus: When we take care of ourselves we give from a full cup, and that is a true gift to family and friends. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, everyone!

Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the regions prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street,
Overland Park.
www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com
Evolving Magazine
Kansas City