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Heart and Business - November 2015 - Santa Fe

Anything is Possible

By Heather Robertson


Anything is possible; we just have to know it.  Meaning, within the blurred lines of business and life having the courage and knowledge established in yourself to say "I'm capable, I'm on track, I'm exactly where I need to be right now" - and trust it relentlessly.  This is vital to realizing achievements both small and large within business.


To live and move through business as though anything is possible is very real for some and for others seems truly ungrounded and not practical.   All perspectives contain value, as life experience is a mosaic of outcomes ultimately leading to the varied beliefs in possibility. 


The first step to living in the "power of possibility" world is to move as if the answers to questions or challenges have all ready been answered.  Lingering in ambivalence waiting for "the sign" or the "right answers" we will suspend growth and movement forward.  This holds true personally and professionally. To be clear action with awareness is vital to outcomes that will ensure growth and deep learning's for the path ahead.


Those who are truly successful in the world know the risk involved before moving forward.  They have a keen awareness of the bigger picture.  For example, considering a podcast for a business.  It has the infinite possibility of being fruitful if one has done their homework and made an educated decision with the content and approach.  Within the realm of infinite possibility knowledge plays a role in the outcome as it will affect thoughts thus affect action.  Doing the homework necessary to make an educated decision about the podcast will enhance the miracles of infinite possibility. The most profound business has knowledge, courage and a significant amount of authenticity (soul) in it.


Our life experience includes making the tough choices, risking what we know to be true or valid, and pursing what inspires us with unyielding commitment and stamina.  What lives on the other side of a life experience is what I call "the pearl" and pearls live in possibility. 


Here are few questions to ponder:

Where are you being courageous in your life or business?

Where are you doubtful and why?

Where do you have unwavering trust that feels brilliant inside of you?

Where are you holding back?

Remember some examples within your career journey that had the sweet balance of both knowledge and possibility.  What did it feel like, look like, and offer as a learning for you? 


My belief is no duality exists between personal and professional living.  Everything is interwoven and that's where the power of possibility lives. We must find the pearls in our true nature and experience more than we thought was possible.  Awaken yourself and you awaken the world.


As always, to all your brilliant efforts in the world,


Heather Robertson E-RYT, CTC, CF is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and mentor, with endless commitment to presence and purpose within business and life. She is owner of Wide Awake by Design, located in 

Santa Fe, NM.  


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