Evolving Magazine
A Guide for Conscious Living since 2009

HOLISTIC HEALTH - October 2016 - Kansas City
Be Ready- Keep it simple!
By Nancy Russell, M.D.
Being prepared and proactive can make a difference in health and well-being.
September is national preparedness month for disasters and emergencies. To prepare, plan, stay informed, and be READY for disasters and emergencies, use www.ready.gov. to set up and implement an emergency supply list. This website explains how much water and non-perishable food you need, and lists other necessities like flashlights, whistles, dust mask, local maps, cash, and emergency reference material. A new book on this topic is, Surviving the Medical Meltdown by Lee Hieb, M.D.
To proactively prepare for illnesses and minor injuries, keep natural remedies in your medicine cabinet. There are many items from which to choose, so here is a short list to consider.
For injuries, especially bruising injuries, apply ice and elevate the area. In addition, topical homeopathic cream and tablets of T-relief pain formula will lessen the inflammation, help the bruising go away faster, and decrease pain. For burns, if they are closed and with minor blisters, I recommend cold running water and then apply either calendula cream or lavender essential oil. For minor bug bites or poison ivy, tea tree essential oil or lavender essential oil can be beneficial.
To prepare for winter, Vitamin C in the form of Ester C or Bio- C can be used regularly at 750 to 1500mg per day and doubled if you get sick. Check your vitamin D level prior to winter and cloudy skies. A mid-range level of about 50 to 70 mg/ml can decrease your risk of colds and flus. You can safely take 2000 IU’s of vitamin D as an adult without kidney problems and some people require 5000 IU’s or more. However, Vitamin D can be toxic to the kidneys and, since it is a fat soluble vitamin, blood levels should be checked at least once a year.
If you do become ill, here are action strategies. For colds or sinus infections, drinking plenty of water, minimizing sugar and dairy products, and using a sinus rinse with a Neti pot or Nasopure system to flush out mucous and allergens. The homeopathic nasal spray, Reboost Decongestant spray can loosen mucous and Zinc lozenges can improve symptoms and offer relief. Herbal remedies such as Echinacea, Goldenseal, Oil of oregano, or Olive Leaf extract can help with infection. Get plenty of rest and down time to get well faster. You should check with your medical provider before taking herbal remedies if you are on prescription medications or have chronic health problems.
As a goal for optimal health; balance in your overall life is advantageous to prevent colds and flu and preventing or reducing the effects of chronic diseases. As a holistic physician, I like to discuss the four essential elements for well-being: Your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Start by assessing these four and determining where improvements can be made in your life. Body health relies on the fuel taken in and the activity level maintained on a regular basis. Mental health depends on life-long learning, mental exercises, and setting and meeting career goals. Emotional health relates to home environment, friend and family relationships, and whether there is happiness, joy, and hope in your life. Spiritual health comes from your attitude towards life, yourself, and your life’s purpose in addition to a relationship with God and Christ or other belief system and philosophy.
Evolving Magazine
Kansas City

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Nancy Russell, M.D. has been a holistic Internal Medicine physician in the Kansas City northland for over 30 years at 5140 N. Antioch Road in Kansas City, MO.
Her phone number is 816-453-5545 and website is www.nancyrussellmd.com where you can get more information. Dr. Russell is board certified in holistic medicine and is a member of the American Holistic Medical Association and a prior board member.