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Heart and Business - October 2015 - Santa Fe

Mojo & Money

By Heather Robertson


We go into business because we have a spark a moment that inspires us. The Mojo.  If that spark is powerful enough it will ignite you into action. While anyone in business can attest, there is a moment when your inspiration evolves from a hobby to a well-established business. In the middle there is a journey. That journey will test and transform every ounce of you. Ultimately, leading to a life of love, living, laughter, and a legacy you're at peace with.


I love the money because we can't talk about consciousness and business without talking about money. How we choose to express our viability in the world for an exchange of cash flow is incredibly important. It's important because sometimes we think we are "human beings on a spiritual journey when the truth is we are spiritual beings on a human journey (Stephen Covey)." Given that perspective we only have so much control with cash flow and mojo then the rest is truly up to the unseen miracles.


I had a dear friend ask me what I would tell someone who works in an office all day just to pay the bills and is unhappy. Basically, no mojo and in it for the money. For starters, I'd clarify what is directly in front of this person in this moment that is creating the tipping point into unhappiness and repeat that exact step time and time again until the truth is revealed. Is it a person, a task, a project, a manager, a team, the paperwork, or their perception? Life is a mirror. 

What is your present use of inspiration reflecting back to you? Are you happy? Do you feel prosperous? Do you feel strong? Do you feel peaceful?


Happiness and wealth require conscious action. Money is not attracted to fragmented focus or emotion. Money is attracted to clarity. Clearly defined focus! Pair that with a dash of heart and you have mojo and money standing in front of you.


Yes, this is a light-hearted approach with a topic we regard as very serious. Some words of advice; we must relax to expand and that includes generating wealth.  People want to make money and, generally, they want to enjoy themselves while earning it. They attend money boot camps, seminars, conferences, and read many books. Some figure it out and others don't.

Here are some quick tips for the mojo and the money:

Understand your numbers.

Get clear with your focus.

Get ready to learn.

Choose as if you have already made it to your destination.

Ask yourself: "What would someone with a million dollars do?"

Trust your intuition, cultivate your strengths, and build your stamina.  Train!

Find a mentor and learn from their success.

Do not live by the rule "Do what you love and the money will follow."

Live by the rule "Do what taps into your genius and the money will follow."



Truly, we have everything it takes and I mean everything. According to Jean Houston "We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released."


To your everyday mojo and money!



Heather Robertson E-RYT, CTC, CF is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and mentor, with endless commitment to presence and purpose within business and life. She is owner of Wide Awake by Design, located in 

Santa Fe, NM.  


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