Evolving Magazine
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REVELATIONS - March 2017 - Kansas City
Love Never Dies: Opening
What’s All This Fuss About Essential Oils?
by Linda Lysakowski
Although essential oils have been around for thousands of years, they have enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in the past twenty years. Historically, oils have been used in religious rituals (Biblical use), embalming (in the temples of Egypt), cosmetic use (from the time of the pharaohs to today), and throughout time for health and wellness. They are becoming increasingly popular today, judging by the number of companies cropping up on the Internet and in health food stores, and they have become a strong influence in the network marketing industry. The question remains though, just what are essential oils?
Why are They Called Essential?
We call them “essential oils” because these oily substances have the essential function of being the plant’s “lifeblood.” The oils carry vital oxygen and the essential nutrients to the cellular structure of the plant just as our own “lifeblood” does within our own bodies. Essential oils also function in the plant to protect it from disease and damage from injury. You can see this when you observe a plant’s leaf that has been broken. You will notice the oily substance (the essential oil) seeps to the leaf’s broken edges to help seal the leak. This act prevents the escape of its needed oxygen and vital nutrients. This process is mirrored when we have a wound, or even the smallest paper cut, and blood oozes to the skin’s surface to form a clot and seal the wound to prevent further tissue damage or infection.
The Science of Oils
All life forms have an electro-magnetic energy frequency. We know that the body will adjust to the frequency of the electro-magnetic energy that it is exposed to. Therefore, exposure to the higher frequency of plants in the form of pure essential oils will raise the frequency of the body and reduce the impact of illness or eliminate potential illness entirely. This is how the body responds to essential oils.
How Essential Oils Can Improve Wellness
Research shows that specific oils support specific body systems, i.e. kidneys, liver, skin, etc. Although this article does not give medical advice, and we don’t make disease claims or mention specific companies by name, there is research available from PubMed and other sources about how oils can complement traditional medicine. Using mass spectrometry and gas chromatography has aided scientists in studying oils and this research is important for users of oils.
History of Essential Oils
Hebrew people learned about and used oils during the time that they were held captive in Egypt. In Exodus, God gave Moses an oil recipe when he was leading the people out of Egypt. Jesus was anointed with spikenard prior to his arrest and crucifixion. After his death, women went to the tomb and prepared to anoint him with aloes (sandalwood) for burial. Oils have been used in ancient cultures including Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Arabic cultures, as well as those of the Far East and New World. Oils were used in daily living, religious ceremonies, healing, in war-times, and in burial rites. Oils were also used in medieval times for religious purposes, health reasons, and even to fight the great plagues!
How Oils are Made
The quality of oils depends on climate, soil, water, seed, and the time of day that the plant is harvested. There are different ways to extract oils from the plants—maceration, cold press, and distillation. Different distillation techniques can be used to increase the yield and profit margin for the producer of the oil. This severely impairs the integrity or quality of the oil. Oils can also be adulterated with extenders to maximize the commercial profitability. These business practices produce inferior and possibly toxic oils but come at a cheaper cost than therapeutic grade oils. So, it’s important to ask questions when you’re purchasing oils.
Using Oils
Oils can be used orally, by diffusion, or topically. Essential oils are often used with complementary modalities such as Reiki, Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Chiropractic, and Massage.
You can also use pure essential oils for cooking, but be sure you’re using oils recommended for ingestion. Oils and oil-infused products can be used for cleaning, room fresheners, insect repellant, etc.
Evolving Magazine
Kansas City

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Linda Lysakowski serves as Acquisitions Editor for CharityChannel Press and For the GENIUS Press. In this role, she has edited dozens of books. In addition to her role as editor, she is an accomplished author. Linda is the author of eleven books, contributing author to four books, co-editor of two books, and co-author of seven books. Linda is a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils and presents numerous webinars and workshops on essential oils.